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Mastering Your Social Media Strategy for Selling on Shopify
Mastering Your Social Media Strategy for Selling on Shopify

Welcome to the exciting world of online selling and the immense potential of social media strategy! If you're eager to sell your products on Shopify and tap into the vast audience of social media networks, you've come to the perfect place. This comprehensive guide is crafted to provide you with valuable insights and proven tactics to create a winning social media strategy that will not only boost sales but also propel your Shopify business to new heights.

Whether you're a seasoned seller or just starting out, this blog will equip you with practical tips and expert advice to craft a social media strategy that resonates with your audience and drives real results

The Power of Social Networks

Analysis from In 2022, Social networking sites are estimated to reach 3.96 billion users and these figures are still expected to grow as mobile device usage and mobile social networks increased traction in previously underserved markets.

Then your customers will definitely be on social media platforms, your job is to build a good strategy in accordance with the platforms that will develop the brand as well as drive sales.

After you have a clear view of the power of social networks, then you must have a strategic plan to start, all strategic plans start from zero, let's start right away.

The strategic plan needs to have an achievable goal to be able to be compared and verified effectively, so if you just started a Shopify business, you can refer to the following goals Beae suggests, we assume you are small-scale merchants, self-employed individuals.

social media plan
A social media plan is a strategic roadmap that outlines the goals


Please consider and accept the whole picture, then come back to reality and give the answer: What do I want to achieve after deciding to deploy on the social networking platform. Please give if the number of goals can be achieved, then you already have a goal for a whole journey.

For example: You completely set criteria such as: How many people will your product know? how many people will reach?. People start to get interested in the product, there are loyal customers who care and follow you. There are already a number of people evaluating the product and willing to give feedback on the process as well as the product that needs improvement… Lots of target criteria you can set, remember the goal needs to be clear through the numbers and be honest with yourself. Failure is not scary - the only fear is that you are lying to yourself.

social media goal
Setting clear goals is essential for measuring the success of your social media plan

b. Identifying Buyers (Customer Portraits)

Honestly, you will be the one who knows your own product best, but sit back and set it up as scientifically as possible to get an even bigger picture of your shopper insight.

The point here is not to be 100% accurate, but to outline your best guess as to the type of person most likely to convert into a customer.

For example, Beae gives you the criteria that most social networking platforms support you with: Assuming you sell fashion products in the UK, the city of Manchester will have the following parameters:

  • Location: Manchester city, UK
  • Age: 28 to 45 years old
  • Gender: male and female
  • Hobbies: classical, hip hop, bars, soccer, sports
  • Career / Industry: industry, university
  • Income level : £ 15,000 to £ 30,000
  • Relationship Status: Love
  • Favorite sites to visit: Manchester UTD, Mancherter Life, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter.
  • Motivation to buy : Show their pride in the team with former players
  • Behavior: participating in activities, cheering events, shopping for fashion

Most of these characteristics can be targeted directly or indirectly through social media ads, but writing it down also helps provide information about the type of content you can evaluate and find. relevance to the product thereby providing relevant content.

buyer on social media
Identifying buyers is a crucial step in developing an effective social marketing strategy

c. Measurement Data

Once you have joined the marketing communication on social networking platforms, it is almost mandatory for you to read the indicators from the campaigns sent in to evaluate and make changes in content or images and also are important decisions.

Indicators you need to pay attention to include:

  • Impressions, proximity.
  • Number of clicks on ads
  • CTR, conversion…

Return on Investment (ROI) is the ratio of net profit to total investment costs. ROI is useful for your business goals when it comes to something specific and must be measured.

The formula for calculating ROI is: ROI = Net Income / Investment Cost or ROI = Return on Investment / Investment Basis. If you make $100,000 from $10,000, your ROI is 90%.

Measurement Data On Social
Measurement data can be analyzed and interpreted to gain insights into the success or failure of marketing efforts

5 Mindset Tips for Creating a Successful Social Media Strategy

a. Find Out Your Main Social Media Channels

First of all, you don't need to be on all the social media platforms where you think potential customers (Product Buyers) are present and used. Targeting multiple channels with high costs will make your wallet quickly empty and lead to premature failure.

Research carefully what social platform your product fits into, where you think your customers and you can manage and track controllable metrics. Principle: "If you can't measure the performance, you won't implement it" remember.

Find main social media
Identifying your main social media channels helps streamline your social media management efforts


Example: If you're most familiar with Facebook, open a business account from there. Slowly, as you become more knowledgeable over time, you can begin to explore other social media channels and expand to a wider audience.

  • Research the social networks that your target audience frequents the most using a tool like: buzzsumo. It is a powerful enough and easy to use tool that will help you find the most shared content on the topic you are looking for. Sure, it will likely include some of the major social media platforms that influence your selection decision.
  • Simple but it will take more time: You find out who went before, who are selling similar or similar products to you. They are like you in the beginning and you will learn a lot when you approach, this approach is not recommended to imitate or copy, take it as an opportunity to make your own way of doing things and strengthen your beliefs. The product you choose can be sold on the platform.

b. Be An Expert In Products And Services Where You Bring Value To Users

After you have selected a social networking platform with an understanding of your target audience, then you need to reach your potential buyers there.

Thoroughly research the highlights and strengths of your platform of choice for tips and ways to spread the word and show off your product or presence there. In order to gain attention, you must be an "expert" in the field you are pursuing, sharing practical experiences, points or bad points of the product, navigating users and then giving opinions. as well as your own comments… in short, you have to really understand the product as well as the deep desires of your customers to create the right content that naturally approaches and brings a lot of value to people use.

For example, you sell nail related products for women on your Shopify store and you choose the Facebook platform, so you can completely share to groups and personal pages content such as tips and tricks. Take care of your nails, choose colors to match your clothes, personality, and where you go. Organize nail experience Q&A sessions via livestream, short videos to create intimacy and show you're an expert in the field you're working on.

The key here is not to focus too much on selling your product. Share educational content around your niche, provide real value, and you'll form a loyal audience that's trusted enough to buy again and again.

c. Building Community Around Your Product

Once you've been present in every corner of your chosen platform and you've established yourself as a valuable person, there needs to be a place for the inquiring customer to talk about you and the product you're selling. Then the next job will be to build a loyal community around your brand.

For a community to exist and operate sustainably, clear and disciplined rules are needed along with principles such as:

  • Agree on the reason for the customer's presence. You need to give people a reason to join your community. They need to have a compelling reason that makes sense and resonates with their values ​​at the right time.
  • Recognition and value brought from the community. People will participate more when they feel appreciated and receive useful shares in return. It can be as simple as activating the top fan badge on your Facebook page, or as complex as organizing community awards in your groups, sharing experiences with many people.

Honesty, building an online community comes with the risk that some people will express their frustrations with your brand. While you may want to hide or delete such comments, it can be counterproductive if your followers notice such behavior. A smarter thing to do is to be honest and admit your mistakes. No one is perfect and neither is your product. Your online community will appreciate your willingness to listen, they will be there for you during difficult times and give you the opportunity to correct your mistakes.

Firmly grasping the above three principles when establishing a community, the strength from the majority of loyal customers who are willing to talk and share about your products as brand ambassadors and this is the best and sustainable way of marketing.

Build community on social
Building a community around your product is a powerful strategy that can greatly benefit your business

d. Always Appear When Customers Need You

Today, it is a reality that customers always want you to appear when problems arise in the process of using a product or service. Responding to emails in 24 hours may not seem like a problem, but being on a social media platform is a terrible challenge that you have to face. Facebook statistics that every month generates more than 1 billion messages back and forth between businesses and their customers, a number that will startle you. The problem is not only yours but the entire social network business, a delayed reply to a message will bring a lot of bad consequences such as 1-star reviews, lost sales opportunities, and negative consequences. affect your brand as well as your social dimension.

And the story is not only about the quick or timely reply, but also the quality of the content of the conversation with the customer. Sources cited by Sproutsocial Research of preschool magazine revealed that about 50% of consumers surveyed will boycott a brand because of poor feedback on social networks, pay attention and be really careful.

To avoid damage as well as bad information about your brand, you need to have a plan for customer care services on social media as follows:

  • Use the necessary tools to check messages and have regulations on responding after customer interaction.
  • Ensure presence of social media icons on Shopify sales page.
  • Create scripts as well as control content when communicating with customers because you can't imagine the frustration of customers when they are having problems with products/services.
  • Train a professional customer care team with qualities, skills, and friendly behavior when communicating with customers.

e. Hear All Feedback From Social Media

Gathering communications about your brand on social media and other online communities is one of the most important and must be ongoing so that you can understand how your brand works. Your brand resonates online.

Social listening is more than just collecting metrics like mentions. It's more about trying to understand the mood behind these numbers.

Once you've collected the information, you need to analyze it to develop useful insights to improve your marketing or sometimes your product.

Regular maintenance can help you spot a looming crisis and start existing conversations to remediate the situation before your brand image is damaged. If you act smart and quick enough, you can even turn negative feedback into social proof by showing your customers that you care and want to take care of it to the fullest extent to the fullest. for customers.

hear all customer's feedback
Social media platforms serve as powerful channels for customers to express their opinions and share experiences


In conclusion, mastering your social media strategy for selling on Shopify is a crucial step towards achieving success in the online marketplace. By harnessing the power of social media platforms, you can expand your reach, connect with your target audience, and drive sales for your Shopify business.

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By Lee Lt

Last updated Mon, Feb 17, 2025