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Get started with Beae - Shopify Page Builder in just 5 easy steps
Get started with Beae - Shopify Page Builder in just 5 easy steps

Beae - Shopify Page Builder will help you quickly get sales and increase sales by providing A-Z website building and optimization tools. Here are the steps to get started and get the most out of Beae.

5 steps to get started with Beae - page builder for Shopify

Step 1: Create a new page

In the Shopify admin sidebar, click Apps > Flexible Beae Page Builder. After that, you will be redirected to the Beae Dashboard on a different page.

Beae - landing page builder Shopify appBeae - Shopify page builder

In the Beae - Shopify Page Builder Dashboard, choose the page type you want to create

Dashboard of Beae page builderDashboard of Beae landing page builder

After choosing the page type, click in Create new page to be directed to the page editor.

Create new page - BeaeCreate new page

You create a name for the page and choose “Start from scratch” or “Choose Template”. 

Building a page with Beae’s Template will save you a lot of time. If you do not have any ideas for your page, choose a suitable template from Beae’s +204 templates and follow the instructions “ BEAE’S guide to use template to build a page in 15 minutes”.

Rename new page beaeYou can rename the new page

Step 2: Getting to know the key features of Beae- Shopify Page Builder

Beae has features that support maximum users to be able to build professional websites

  • Optimize for mobile devices: Customize for each device like font size, color, spacing, image…
  • Ready-made page layouts: Over +204 pre-built templates created by experts for many purposes. 
  • Integrate with 3rd party apps: The app works well with +80 popular apps on Shopify.
  • Section builder: Build a section then insert anywhere of existing pages to support new features of Shopify OS 2.0.
  • Multi-language support: Support works with translation apps like T-Lab, Translate My Store & Currency and Weglot
  • SEO optimization: Let the app optimize meta tags, alt text, description, page title & much more!
  • Popup: Design your email popup for desktop and mobile. Get started in minutes, no coding
  • Form builder: Create a contact form without coding skills using our intuitive form builder.
  • 24/7 support: Experts are always ready to help via live chat. It’s the most important part to not block congestion during using the app.

Step 3: Use Beae elements

First, you click Elements, Select the element and you can edit it with 2 tools:

  • Element toolbar: Select the elements you want to appear on your page.
  • Element inspector: Edit the settings and stylings of the element with 2 tabs: Layout and Style.
Beae elementsBeae elements

Step 4: Optimize SEO

The optimization step is extremely important and is a feature that only Beae has today. After designing the page -> Click in SEO -> Optimize the criteria.

Optimize SEO with Beae page builderSEO optimization with Beae

Step 5: Preview or publish the page

After completing the website building steps -> Click Preview to review your entire design

If you want to save the page -> Click on the icon next to “Publish”, Select “Save as Draft“, “Save to library” or “Export as file

Completely complete in page -> Click Publish

preview or publish the page
Preview or publish the page with Beae

When you follow these guidelines, you will definitely be able to build yourself a professional website with Beae - Shopify page builder in just 5 easy steps. If you still encounter any problems during website construction, Contact us immediately, we are always available 24/7 to support you.

By Anthony Tran

Last updated Mon, Feb 17, 2025